BlueCielo Meridian Project Portal 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Document Circulations add-on > Configuring circulation options

Configuring circulation options

The Document Circulations add-on can be configured for individual workspaces.

To configure the circulation options:

Before you begin

Verify that the Document Circulations add-on has been installed. If the module is installed and available, it should appear as Document Circulations in the Modules folder of the Advanced Settings branch in the workspace configuration tree.

  1. In the Settings view, expand the name of the workspace in which you want to configure the options, expand Advanced Settings, expand Modules, and click Document Circulations. A page showing the current circulation options appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table. To clear a current setting, select the checkbox nearest to the setting that you want to clear. The setting will be cleared when you save your changes.

Note    For more information about a particular option, hover the pointer over the help icon or click the option caption to see a brief description of the option.

Circulation options
Option Description

Advanced approval of documents

Enables or disables the Advanced Approval life cycle in the workspace.

Comment circulation

Enables or disables comment circulation in the workspace.

The circulation inbox page size

The maximum number of circulations to show per page in the Document circulations view. If this option is set to 0, all circulations are shown.

Default notification setting

Sets the defaults (Enabled or cleared) for the Notify users by email options of each status of the Advanced Approval life cycle.

Notification report frequency

The frequency for sending notifications to users of documents in the Advanced Approval life cycle. If this option is set to Immediately, notification emails are sent within 15 minutes. If this option is set to Use frequency from notification settings, the user’s notification preferences are used.

Messages in comment circulation

Specifies the default display of messages in the Document circulations view.

  1. Click Save Changes. The page refreshes to show the effective settings.
  2. If you want users to be able to delegate their responses to circulations to other users, assign the Delegate permission in the Document circulations group to the appropriate roles as described in Creating, editing, and deleting roles.

Related concepts

About the Document Circulations add-on

Related tasks

Configuring the Advanced Approval life cycle

Creating the Advanced Approval roles

Creating the Advanced Approval document statuses

Creating the Advanced Approval life cycle

Creating the Advanced Approval custom properties

Limiting access to documents

Configuring other life cycles

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